Vickers machine gun Watercooled pattern with tri-pod

Vickers machine gun Watercooled pattern with tri-pod

Product ID: R71228

all metal replica


In order to comply with the VCR act proof of age 18 or over and address is required. We accept scans of full or provisional driving licences or a UK passport and the heading from a utility bill or appointment letter that matches the delivery address emailed to

If neither option is available we can send a form through Royal Mail or it can be downloaded via the following link Age Declaration Form

This form is specifically designed to be printed and completed offline. Once completed it can be scanned and emailed to us or posted to:

Relics AD Dept., Lower Ground Floor, 29 High Street, Polegate, East Sussex, BN26 5AB.

 Modern guns will be supplied in a peel off yellow finish.



Vickers MK1 Machine Gun with Tri-pod World war one pattern

 Vickers Machine Gun and Tripod and watercan.

Water Cooled Vickers MK1  .303 WW1 pattern Machine Gun with fluted barrel shroud.

This is the WW1 version however this model was used well into WW2 and beyond by various colonial forces.

All metal full size Museum quality replica complete with an adjustable Tri-pod and detachable water tank.

Allow up to 6 weeks for delivery.

Unfortunately the British Violent Crime Reduction act applies to this non-lethal barrelled weapon. so ID is required and our peel off yellow finish will be applied.